Wisdomwhere Updates - July 2021

New Features

Frontend (Public Side)

Calendar and Category Default Search Pages

In the Navigation and Search options, you can now choose from a Calendar or Category view in addition to the Advanced, Session List, and Events by Month.

Display Session Title First

After navigating to a list of sessions for an event, either from the Advanced Search Page or the Events By Month Page, a list of sessions is displayed, sorted by the start date. You can opt to display the Session Title column first. This is a client setting that can be enabled for you by contacting Solutionwhere Support.  

Backend (Admin Side)


Repeating Evaluation Reminders

If you are using Wisdomwhere Evaluations, you can now have a reminder sent every X number of days. This email will only be sent to registrants who have not completed the evaluation. It will continue until the “Must Complete By” date is reached or the number of days past the end date is reached

If you don’t see a value in the Evaluation Reminder dropdown on the Session page, please contact us and will set up a template for you. As always, you can modify the templates in Confirmation Messages.

Evaluation Special Instructions

You can add special instructions for an evaluation that can be included in the initial Evaluation Email and the Reminder Email with the [EvaluationSpecialInstruction] tag or by selecting Evaluation Special Instructions in the Append to Message dropdown for the email template.



Session Contact Reminder

Session Contacts can be notified when a session is created. The email template can include a link to the Session Attendance Sheet by using the tag [AttendanceSheetLink] to the Session Contact Reminder template. To enable this email, mark the confirmation for the Session Contact Reminder email template as Active.

Attendance Sheet Email

The instructor can be sent a notification the day before a session starts. Like the Session Contact email, this can include a link to the printable attendance sheet with the tag [AttendanceSheetLink]. To enable this email, mark the confirmation for the Attendance Sheet email template as Active. This email will not be sent to temporary instructors.

Special Instructions

Special Instructions has a new special tag to limit the display. In addition to [EMAILONLY]…[/ EMAILONLY], you can now use the tags [ATTENDEESONLY]…[/ATTENDEESONLY]. When [SpecialInstructions] is included in the email or screen template, anything between the ATTENDEESONLY tags will only be displayed to people that have been confirmed and are not on a waiting list.

Pennsylvania Customers

Multiple AUNs

If your agency is serving multiple districts and allowing them to post events in your Wisdomwhere site, you can have the Multiple AUN setting turned on. This allows the district to create sessions associated with their AUN and upload the roster to the PDE.

Admin Menu

Previously, a list of session that were incomplete or had not reached the minimum number of registrants were displayed at the bottom of the admin menu with a sentence at the top indicating that one of these conditions were true. We’ve added a list of full sessions to the bottom of the page and brightly colored notification icons to the top of the page.


Front End (Public Side)


The validation for Attendance Codes has been improved to be more easily understood.

Registration Forms

Allergy has been added to the Special Needs checkboxes.



If a registrant is logged in and goes to a conference selection page that they are already registered for, they will automatically be forwarded to the conference registration modification page.

Back End (Admin Side)

Confirmation Templates

The EMAILONLY section of a screen confirmation is no longer displaying on the admin side when someone is registered.

Custom Reports

Position Description has been added to the Custom Reports search criteria dropdown.

Evaluation Reports

The new evaluation reports have been updated with new search and filtering options.

File & Image Uploads

File uploads are now limited to image and document file types.

Position Based Approvals

This feature used to be limited to the position “Classified”. Admins may now select the positions that require approval.

System Status Report

The System Status Report has been updated with a more modern UI.


Back End

Broadcast Emails

Broadcast messages sent to a very large list of registrants failed to update the page with a success message.

Confirmation Message Templates

The session reminder email was not including the waiting list message for registrants on the waiting list.

Custom Reports

If an inactive custom form field was included in a custom report, the RegNum was always included.

When Evaluation Taken was included, the Evaluation ID was displayed instead of Yes/No.


Some systems began rejecting emails that contained only line feeds at the end of a line of text and began requiring carriage returns + line feeds. We have updated our system to make this change to any email sent.


Custom Groups displayed the selected registrants as Lastname, Firstname, but the available registrants as Firstname Lastname. Both columns now display registrants as Lastname, Firstname.


Online sessions sometimes lost the selected location.

User List

If a user id or name had HTML characters, the list page displayed an error

Workflow Approvals

If the sort order of a Workflow Step was changed, an approved record that had been through all the steps appeared to not be approved.

Front End


Mandatory Custom Form Fields were able to be bypassed if a registrant went to the registration page of a session that didn’t have custom form fields but didn’t complete registration and then selected a session that did have custom form fields.

Peer 2 Peer

If a registrant was flagged as belonging to a peer, but none of the peers had a record of that login id, the registrant got an error logging in. This is no longer the case. The peer flag will be removed, allowing the registrant to log in.

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