Wisdomwhere updates for June, 2020
This release includes new features, improvements and bug fixes.
New Features
Cancel Multiple Sessions
There is a new cancel session link available on the Session List page. You can select multiple sessions, click the Cancel Session button and proceed to cancel the sessions. You will be prompted to send an email to the participants. If you accidentally skip past the email, you can always get back to it by finding the canceled sessions, reselecting the checkbox and clicking the Send Emails button.
Session Contacts
You can display a link to a session contact in a registrant’s upcoming, in progress, incomplete and complete session lists. It shows as an envelope. Clicking on it displays the contact information. You can either show the session and event contact or person that created the session. Contact us if you would like this option turned on.
Event Approval Beta Testers Wanted
We're introducing an event approval system. Let us know if you would like to review the beta version or if you have input as to how you would like to implement such a system.
System Settings
- Duplicate Email Prevention: you can prevent people from creating accounts with an email that is already in the system. Contact us if you would like this option turned on.
- You can have the Event Details section auto-expanded on the public event page. Contact us if you would like this option turned on.
Auto Attendance
- Attendance codes can be added to sessions without days.
Online Sessions
- Online sessions with no days will now show “Registration Starts on” using the display date or registration start date. The display date is used if there is no registration start date. The session start date will use the same information.
- The following have been added to Custom Reports.
- Event Areas of Interest
- Online Session
- Website
- Days to Complete
- Must Complete By
Admin Misc
- The Event and Session dropdowns have been made wider on the Registration List page to make them easier to read.
Public Registrants
- A registrant's list of upcoming events showed the event details when you moved your cursor over the event name in the list. There is now an ⓘ that you can click to see the same information.
SCECH Export (MI Only)
- A program number is no longer required for the MOECS/SCECH Export.
- The template has been updated to include the columns required by MOECS.
Admin Sessions
- Searching for a session number no longer unchecks session statuses that don’t match the found session.
- The Days to Complete an online session is no longer required if there is no required evaluation. This value is used to determine when an evaluation must be completed by in order for the registrant to receive credit.
- The attendance code was not displayed until a credit was added to a session.
- Filtering by a location with an apostrophe in the name caused an error on the admin Session List page.
Admin Ad Hoc Approvals
- Workflow approval requests are now considered approved when all the pre-approval steps are complete.
- The final pre-approval step was generating an error sending the email to the requestor.
- Workflow requests ignored the workflow sort order.
- Forwarding or returning an Ad Hoc Approval request caused a date validation error.
Admin Misc
- A credit type that had a cost was able to be deleted if people have been marked paid after the credit was removed from all the registrants. Now the registrants will have to have the paid setting removed before the credit can be deleted from the session.
- Modifying a conference registration made all registration seats unconfirmed.
- Inactive confirmation messages were available to be chosen in the confirmation dropdowns when creating an event.
- The approver and department selections were not populated on the registration form with previously selected values.
The profile form was asking for payment information when a registrant was directed to that page by the profile refresh settings.