We know that your professional learning needs are changing rapidly in the era of the coronavirus pandemic. If you have any suggestions about changes you would like to see in the software to meet your challenges, please let us know. We wish you and your family, a blessed Holy Week and Happy Easter!
- Daily Reminder emails can be used to send an additional reminder prior to the first session date. Previously, daily reminders were NOT sent for the first day. The regular reminder email was the only email sent for the first day of a multi-day session. Now the daily reminder will be sent for the first day as well. This can help you remind people of actions that need to be taken at different time periods prior to the start date.
- Custom reports that include the Registration Number now have that number linked to the registration record so you can access that information quickly.
- Temporary locations that are added on the fly when creating a session can be converted to regular locations with mapping, contact details, etc.
- Ad Hoc Approvals
- The forms now have a printer friendly view.
- An approver can now forward requests to any admin user for notification purposes.
- Requests can now accept file sizes up to 1 GB.
- The ICS calendar export file now contains the event description. To get to this export, click on the Calendar View tab in the event search results. If you don't have this tab on your search results page, you are using another search page as the default and can access the calendar from the Advanced Search results.
- Public events by month no longer repeatedly display a session in months older than the current month for ongoing sessions with open enrollment. For example, if you have a session dates every month of the school year and open for enrollment the entire time, past months will no longer be displayed.
- Custom Reports left the Credit Card Transaction Id blank for records that were paid by credit cards.
- Multiday conferences with multiple daily registration options were disallowing registration on days that were not full when at least one day was full.
- When adding a new event, the default registration form specified in your client settings was not selected.
- The registration button in the blue bar in a copied session linked to the registration list for the original session.
- On the public display of a conference, the list of instructors didn’t wrap to a new line in Firefox when it was longer than the width of the area allocated to the session.
- Conference Session presenters didn’t warn users that they were entering too many characters, resulting in an error when saving.
- If an admin user was both an instructor and a user, they couldn’t update the session created by other users.